Now we are down to...
In some ways I feel like I'm running through mud in
slow motion racing to the finish line. I want some things to go slowly...others
can hurry themselves right along?! Without naming names...MOSQUITOS, HEAT &
DUST. Did I mention the mosquitoes?
I think I'm most excited for the transition part to
be over; not necessarily our time here, but the messy part where boxes &
suitcases and my emotions explode everywhere for a while before we find our new
We got married, set up an apartment, packed up an
apartment and moved here all within 4 months. I think as we unpack again it
will feel like we are back to just having gotten married and setting up again but
with this crazy, wild, adventurous 11-month detour. Even now as we look at
photos from our wedding and honeymoon we look at "those people" and
we know that OF COURSE it’s "us."
But changed.
When we fly home in 3 weeks, we are not flying home
the same people. I can't even process or get into all the ways I've changed
over these last months. I also realize that time at home didn't pause.
People are a year older, people have gotten married, people have moved, babies
born, jobs changed, challenges faced, life has moved on. Someone said that it will be like first year
of marriage, part 2. This was 1a…we are entering 1b. We know how to be
newlyweds in Haiti; we don’t know what it will be like in the U.S. Everything
we really know and have figured out about marriage is in the context of Haiti
so I know we will have a lot to learn and adjust to individually as well as a
couple as we settle in back home.
We are a different version of ourselves going to a
different version of home.
Yes, our cars, belongings, winter wardrobe, friends, church, family, furniture, wedding presents, etc...all await with some level of familiarity, but I know it will not be the place we left. I get a little flutter of nerves every once in a while when I think about finding my place again. Who am I now?
I feel like I’m going through junior high in some
ways, trying to figure out who I am again and how to relate, what to say, how
to dress, self conscious about this person that even I feel unsure about…a
little awkward at best some days.
We can't explain what this year has meant to us,
even if we wanted to. It will take us months or even years to see all the ways
we are not who we once were. Changes we won't even realize and at depths we
won’t see for a long time. Some things might not even be visible to us, but
others will notice.
My view, heart, mind and attitude towards so many
things have changed and to be honest I don’t know how to translate all of that
into life in the U.S. Questions about
poverty, suffering, what it means to truly help those in need, injustice,
hunger, loneliness, …will continue to circle around my mind, I’m sure. Bigger
than these questions, my prayer is that God will move in my heart in such a way
that I don’t wait for perfect answers before I respond. The truth is, many
answers may not be known on this side of heaven. I want to act in response to things
God calls me to and focus my time, energy and resources moving towards the Answer, along side those who need so desperately need to see hope, joy, and strength that can come only from Him.
Basically I don’t want my fears and lack of answers
to paralyze me from reaching out, taking notice, seeing beyond and pointing
people to Him. I’ll make mistakes and create more questions but I know that
drawing near to Him and caring for those He puts in my path will never be the
wrong choices.
More than anything I want to come home with an attitude of patience, grace and humility. Not prideful and puffed up by having done this "great thing”. By God's grace, we took a step of faith and God moved mountains. He didn't move BECAUSE we did anything great or wonderful. He IS great and wonderful and has allowed us a front row seat to something so much bigger than ourselves. He carried and sustained us through the power of the Holy Spirit and tangibly through the kindness and generosity of friends, families & strangers.
Can I say a quick p.s.? Ok thanks...there are people who financially supported us and I have NO idea who they amazing is that!? Seriously. Strangers. God prompted people I've never even met to give to us...and they did! We are not the only ones who did something "crazy" or took a step of faith. It just so happens we were on the receiving end of it all and in a more visible position than the rest of the people who played a part. God did all kinds of amazing things to make this year here in Haiti even possible. It was definitely NOT us. The last time I checked, most people are not just handing out money to random people to go live on an island for a year, in a guesthouse to serve and care for those God places on their path. Only God could have orchestrated these details; to HIM be the glory.
August 15th won't be one of our whirlwind trips home to
visit. We are going back. To settle in. To live. To connect and to continue to
grow into the people God wants us to be. That hasn't changed. God is still at
work, no matter where we live.