So many of these things should have their own post...all the details, observations and emotions that went along with the experience or event. Unfortunately they don't. But, I don't want to just skip over them and not document them in some way! That is why you are about to see a summary of life's recent events in the form of 35 photos from Instagraimee :) Here we go!
We went to a school graduation. I had no idea how big of a deal it was with the tent, stage, speaker system, new dresses & outfits, dances, singing, program, was quite the event! The kids were pretty darn adorable! We gathered through our amazing observation skills that this song was about shapes and colors. We don't exactly speak French, which the ENTIRE program was in, so we sat back, enjoyed the cuteness and took it all in. It was so hot that the balloons spontaneously popped at random, keeping us all alert.
I'm always drawn to the line of laundry. So strange. I know. But there is just something about the simplicity of the fact that its part of life, something a mom would normally take care of at home and all the little lives each outfit represents...
We celebrated the 4th of July with some other U.S. citizens! It was a fun afternoon enjoying a familiar holiday even though we were away from home.
This was one of the sweetest times I've had with the kids all year. Normally I feel bad taking a few aside at a time to do an activity or project, but it really is the only way to be able to do something without it getting a little crazy. So the best I could, I gave 5 or 6 children at a time a place to paint. They were so stinking cute in all their artistic glory. Some had no idea what to do, while others just went right at it and I had to practically pry them away for the next child to come in. It was (mostly) peaceful and a time for them just to be creative in a smaller group. They did such a great job and I loved seeing what they each came up with.
Friends! Two friends from VA came for a visit. I know their lives are busy and a trip here is more than just a flight or drive to another state. It has meant SO much to Tim and I that several people have gone through the trouble of planning a trip, getting immunizations, flights and all the details arranged to come here and see a glimpse into our lives. Its difficult to put it all into words, so having them here to show them pieces of what we've experienced has been really encouraging and FUN!
Its been a little breezy lately. Some of my most epically awesome hair days have been here.
A team also worked hard to gather donations and supplies to set up a full play room at another orphanage. It was a blast! I know that some of the team members' children actually raised money to help purchase the puzzle piece flooring for the room. I love that whole families were involved to make this room a reality. It was encouraging to see how well supported the team was from friends and family at home who were excited to be a part of the project even if they couldn't be here in person. They purchased toys, formula, floor mats and wall stickers, making the room a fun, inviting place for the children to play. It was fun to watch them learning new things right before our eyes. It took some a little while to take it all in, but soon the blocks were everywhere, there was a line for the slide and everyone (including the adults) had fun putting the room to use!
I joked that this was one of those glamours moments when you realize you're so sweaty and sticky that the foam letters stick to your body. Glad it entertained someone!
Tim is always so good about taking time with the kids who seem a little quieter or more reserved. They have warmed up to him and with the slightest gesture they run right over for hugs.
The beautiful sky, views, clouds and sunsets never get old!
There you have it!
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