Sunday, December 29, 2013

Up the Mountain

I've been meaning to post this for a while, but just getting to it now...
Just one day after our trip to the country, we were back in the tap-tap to head up the mountain. We were visiting an orphanage. By the look on our driver’s face, we knew we were in for an adventure.  We headed up the mountain and went up….
And up…

And up…

The temperature continued to drop and it felt amazing. I wanted to take a picture of everything but also feared missing something while I was taking a picture.  Dilemma, I know.   It really was breathe-taking.  The roads are windy, narrow and lined with vendors, children and steep drops.  Nary a guard rail in site.

We had been up this mountain before and soon we had passed everything that was familiar and continued upward.  I jokingly pointed to the top and said “are we going there?” Our driver said yes and I didn’t really believe him, but I didn’t care because it was a (mostly) pleasant  trip.  We were thankful that the tap tap was making it. We have had cases previously of overheating and stopping to pour water on the engine to cool it down.  But this one ate its Wheaties for breakfast which was a very good thing because by golly we were goin’ to the top of this thing.

When we met the clouds and the pavement ended I knew it was about to get crazy.  For goodness sake, the dirt even changed color. It was red!

We continued on through rolling, winding mountain “roads” and saw abandoned structures, a random lodge, a soccer field of all things and we continued on. 

It felt like we had escaped all time and direction because when we felt like we couldn’t go anymore, we did.  The driver periodically called the orphanage director for directions, but the answer was always, “no keep going.”

I had the awe-struck giggles.

Then, finally we were truly to the end of the non-road and there was one last gate.  
Inside we found what looked like a cottage built on the side of a mountain.  The laundry was out drying in the cool air, the gardeners were tending to the tiered garden. It was peaceful and untouched beauty.

We just stood there wondering “where arrrrre we!?” And why is there an orphanage up HERE?

As we walked towards the building we heard the familiar chatter of a room filled with 2 year olds.  They were all playing at a low wooden table with big legos, which soon became friendly ammunition towards the intruders…us.

It was such a change from the hot, dusty, polluted air we have grown accustomed to. These little ones were actually in pants and sweaters.  Their hands were clammy and cold and they were precious.  I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that there are orphanages upon orphanages, seemingly around every corner and even up a mountain filled with little lives. 

Sadly, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg not only in Haiti, but all around the world. There are so many children in need of a loving family and I certainly don't have all the answers of how to help families care for their children to prevent them from being abandoned, addressing the bigger issues and advocating for orphaned children, but I will continue to do what I can to give them a voice. Day after day, they wake up and go to sleep without a mama and daddy which is enough to keep me motivated to continue serving the least of these.

1 comment:

  1. They are precious. I can't wait to travel to that mountain top!!!!
